

*Sigh* Holiday season is approaching and fast! While there is nothing like being home with family in the midwest on a snowy christmas morning... nothing beats being in LA over the holidays!!! Major roads are pleasantly deserted. Shopping is a breeze. Bar service cannot be compared. People are downright chipper! Not to mention, I don't have to deal with the craaaaazy airport drama, the rushing to and fro trying to catch my connecting flight, the airport dilemma of "...do I really need another beer?" or "...dang, why do i have to go back through security if I want a tasty smoky treat?!"

*Sigh* My holiday will be enjoyed as follows. On Xmas eve, I will have year two with good girlfriends that are quite content to stay in the City of Angels. Once again we will be having a miniature "Feast of 1000 Fishes" and then quite possibly hit some watering holes. On Xmas day itself I will be a newborn and his radical family, the Weiss-Davis clan, whom I love dearly. The day after Xmas, Boxing Day as it is known in some parts, I will also be spending it with the aforementioned Weiss-Davis clan. Fun times to be had all around.

So, Happy Christma-Kwaanza-Kah... or whatever you do or don't call it... or however you choose to celebrate the dip into the chilly temperatures, I hope it's amazing!

1 comment:

The Humanity Critic said...

Sounds like a pretty good holiday, so far mine has been spent severely ruining my liver while coxing women with criminally low amounts of self-esteem to meet me in the backseat of my muscle car. Man I feel festive!